Big 5 (OCEAN) Personality Test

Discover Your Personality


The journey to a better you begins here.


Knowing what makes you ‘you’ is an important first step towards self-improvement. Whether you want to become more productive at work or better at communicating in a relationship, connecting with your core self will inform your approach.


What is my core self?


Your core self is the truest version of you that has existed since birth. While you may be conditioned by your environment to behave a certain way growing up, within you are deeply ingrained tendencies that make up who you are. These traits show themselves when you’re at your most comfortable, and it’s what the Big Five Test aims to reveal.


What is the ‘Big Five’?


The Big Five traits of personality outlines five key domains that define your core self. Each trait is a spectrum, and this test will place you somewhere between two opposite qualities.


Openness: prefers routine, practical vs. imaginative, spontaneous

Conscientiousness: impulsive, disorganized vs. disciplined, careful

Extraversion: reserved, thoughtful vs. sociable, fun-loving

Agreeableness: suspicious, uncooperative vs. trusting, helpful

Neuroticism: calm, confident vs. anxious, pessimistic


There are no right or wrong answers in this test, but to get the most accurate results, you have to be honest with your answers. 😊